How Glass Cough Guards Protect Your Employees from Coronavirus
While the coronavirus pandemic continues to loom over us, the infection rate has slowed in the Mid-Atlantic region. As such, many offices are sending their employees back to the office – including Kensington Glass Arts. However, many employers wonder how they can work in the office but still protect their employees from COVID-19. Kensington Glass Arts has installed cough guards in several offices in the Mid-Atlantic region – including our own office.

Kensington Glass Arts is continuing to follow CDC Guidelines while taking additional precautions with our cough guards. KGa has provided each of our employees KN-95 masks, require social distancing in our facilities, and will begin opening our office at 50% capacity on a shifting schedule amongst other precautions. The cough guards have been installed at employees’ desks to prevent the spread of disease.
If you are wondering what your company can do to better protect your employees in the office, read about the benefits of glass cough guards now!
Affordability and Longevity
While some offices may opt to plexiglass solutions for cough guards, Kensington Glass Arts is able to fabricate glass cough guards in our facilities. Glass cough guards serve as a more affordable, longer-lasting, and easier to clean solution in comparison to plexiglass.
Airborne Pathogens
When we cough or sneeze, it causes airborne pathogens to be expelled from our faces as fast as 50 MPH and can cause 50,000 droplets of salvia, germs, and mucus to spray in the air. Similar to how your car windshield protects you from the outdoor elements, a cough guard is a barrier between the droplets of bodily fluids and other airborne pathogens between your employees.
Forced Distance between Employees
KGa’s employees are social distancing while in the office. However, we are aware it can be difficult to enforce social distancing rules. A cough guard serves a literal physical barrier between your employees. As stated earlier, this barrier helps prevent airborne pathogens, not just from coughing or sneezing, but also from breathing on employees.
In addition, cough guards can provide general reassurance to your employees and customers as they enter your building. Your stakeholders will know that your company is going the extra mile to protect everyone around you from coronavirus.
About Kensington Glass Arts
Kensington Glass Arts, Inc. is a commercial glass fabricator and installer. In addition, we offer glass repair services to businesses in the Mid-Atlantic area. Our Service Department is happy to install glass cough guards in your office. Contact our Service Department now if you are interested!
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